Monday, September 19, 2011

Tour of Misawa

I went on a tour of Misawa with a group of people from the base. We saw a Buddhist Temple, an old Samurai House, had a little class on Japanese culture, ate some sushi, and went to a little shopping center. It was very educational and a lot of fun! Just wish Craig could have been there - but I guess someone has to work!

Inside the Buddhist Temple


Check out that bling-bling!

The little box to the left is where you light incense for you deceased loved one.

I didn't quite catch the whole story behind these little cubby holes with dishes in them. But what I understand is that the families come and have a meal together to remember there deceased loved one.


Anyone know what that says?

The outside of the Temple

The Security Guard for the cemetery

Down to the right is the Misawa Train station

Some old hat at the Samurai house

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